IBA Global Showcase

25 Oct - 29 Oct 2021


Session sponsor


Session information

Protection of investments in the MENA Region from local laws to international treaty networks, with a focus on opportunities and challenges when enforcing foreign judgments and arbitral awards

Tuesday 26 October (1000 - 1100)



Arab Regional Forum (Lead)


Recording now available

Watch the recording

In this session, we will discuss:

•    Some key figures about the actual state of foreign investments in the MENA region
•    A comparative overview of major Arab investment laws in the region: developments, trends and practical examples
•    Comparing investment laws in the MENA region with Europe and the USA
•    Case studies in a selection of MENA jurisdictions: Egypt, Morocco, KSA, UAE
•    Utilisation of investment vehicles in jurisdictions that offer a treaty network protection – Netherlands, Luxembourg...
•    Are Arab Sovereign Funds still key stakeholders in foreign investments in the region?
•    The Interplay between Inter-Arab Investment Treaties and International Investment Agreements involving the MENA region
•    The Arab Investment Court: prospects and challenges.

All sessions are being recorded, unless otherwise stated.

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Jalal El Ahdab Bird & Bird LLP, Paris, France; Member, Mediation Committee Advisory Board
Dr Ziad Najm Albert Najm & Ziad Najm Law Firm, Beirut, Lebanon; Co-Chair, Arab Regional Forum


Omar AlRasheed Omar Alrasheed & Partners, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; Membership Officer, Arab Regional Forum
Amani Cherry Mohsen Khalifa Freshfields, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; Diversity and Inclusion Officer, Arab Regional Forum
Sara Koleilat-Aranjo Morgan Lewis & Bockius, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; Officer, Arab Regional Forum
Nesrine Roudane Roudane & Partners Law Firm, Casablanca, Morocco; Officer, Arab Regional Forum