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Are you being recognised as a compelling leader and the go-to expert in your field? Do you get results from networking online and offline? Do you know how to connect to the right people? Do you nurture your relationships on a regular basis? Do you struggle with getting your relationships to help you to grow your business? Do you have trouble with standing out and building your personal brand?
If any of these questions resonate with you, then you’re not alone. A number of lawyers struggle with how to build their personal brand to stand out, as well as to use relationships and networking in a way that is intentional and actually helps propel them forward, increase income, get more referrals or get better clients. We now see an interesting change in the business development of the legal market. This change is based on the broad, direct access many clients have nowadays to lawyers globally.
This is a practical and interactive presentation by one of the global leading authorities for personal branding for professionals, attorney-at-law, bestselling author & business mentor Itzik Amiel. Itzik will show you how to cultivate a powerful professional reputation and network of connections (externally and internally) that enable you to persuade others and obtain buy-in more easily for your best ideas. You will learn how to
- communicate your brand effectively to others;
- establish and cultivate your reputation over time;
- increase your influence within and outside your organisation; and
- ensure others understand your true leadership abilities.
There is no doubt that the lawyers who best adapt their strategies to these market conditions and execute the well-defined strategies will make the most progress in maturing the growth evolution for your future-proof legal firm or career in the coming years.
All sessions are being recorded, unless otherwise stated.