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Class actions in Argentina – recent cases linked to private health plans
Argentina doesn’t have any particular legislation related to class actions, although isolated clauses in the Consumer Act and the Environment Act refer to them. In spite of this, Argentina is flooded with class actions, especially focused on consumer law matters. Businesses in many sectors have been sued, such as banks, credit card issuers, retailers, supermarkets, insurance companies, airlines companies, health companies and so on. As a consequence of the absence of particular legislation that guides class actions, the Supreme Court of Justice urged the Argentinian parliament to legislate for an adequate process to give certainty to the parties participating in them.
Released on Aug 15, 2024
US mass arbitrations present new challenges prompting re-examination of class action waivers
Parties in the US including consumers and employees are bringing claims as mass arbitration, which is unique from class actions that have been the focus for many years. The new mass arbitrations present a unique challenge to companies, and call into the question whether and how to negotiate arbitration and class action waiver provisions in contracts.
Released on Jul 25, 2024
Comments on proposed changes to Brazilian collective litigation law
This article comments on two proposed changes to the Brazilian collective litigation law that may negatively affect due process rights: the introduction of a forum non conveniens doctrine and the possibility of court adjustments to the reliefs sought by plaintiffs.
Released on Jul 25, 2024
Private enforcement of competition laws in Brazil: the class action as a method of claiming damages arising from anticompetitive practices
New rules defining the start and expiry of the statute of limitations to claim damages arising from anticompetitive practices are expected to foster the use of class actions related to these issues in Brazil.
Released on Jul 25, 2024
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- Class Actions Committee Advisory Board
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