Wajiha Ahmed

Shirley Pouget

Human Rights Law Committee

The Human Rights Law Committee (HRLC) aims to promote human rights in all areas of the legal profession, as well as in the broader community. We welcome your contributions, either through newsletter article submissions, becoming an officer, or presenter at conferences. The value of membership is most enhanced through active participation, so please get involved.

Forthcoming conferences and webinars View All Conferences


IBA highlights ongoing work promoting fundamental rights on UN Human Rights Day

The International Bar Association (IBA) is commemorating the United Nations Human Rights Day by highlighting its ongoing work in protecting and promoting fundamental human rights for all people. The IBA Committees play an integral part in the Association’s continued support of the global legal community…

Released on Dec 11, 2024


Podcast and film

Podcast: The Human Rights Law Committee podcast series looks at both obvious and overlooked aspects of litigating and documenting torture, in an ‘A-Z’ format. Although the obligations under the Convention against Torture are of a jus cogens nature, the scope of these obligations, and the range of physical and psychological torture/cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, tend to be understood or construed narrowly. Listen here

Film: The Committee's interview series with prominent human rights lawyers and advocates highlights the challenges of protecting human rights in the 21st century. Interviewees include former UN and ICC representatives among others. Watch here

Projects and reports

Wajiha Ahmed and Shirley Pouget are pleased to be the co-chairs of the committee for 2024-2025. At this time the committee is considering its priority areas and we will be announcing these in the near future.

In the meantime if there are any proposals, please do not hesitate to reach out to our committee chairs, via their emails linked above, with such ideas.

Subcommittees and other groups

The Human Rights Law Committee also coordinates the activities of the following subcommittees/working groups.

  • Crimes Against Women Subcommittee
  • Human Rights Law Committee Advisory Board