About the Committee
The LGBTQI+ Law Committee tracks developments, advancements and setbacks in various legal areas, including discrimination, criminalisation, family rights, recognition and status, identity, health, immigration, housing and employment, among others. The Committee also recognizes and reflects upon the legal implications of cultural and socio-economic issues to LGBTQI+ interests.
The Committee aims to also promote diversity and inclusiveness in the legal profession and society at large by presenting LGBTQI+ ideals and calling attention to legal matters and developments through its sessions, publications, projects and collaborations with other committees in the IBA, as well as with external parties. The Committee welcomes not only LGBTQI+ individuals, but allies as well. We encourage all persons interested in our projects to join the Committee.
Forthcoming conferences and webinars View All Conferences
Conference report: International Bar Association (IBA) Annual Conference 2024
As the LGBTQI+ Law Committee Scholar, I had the privilege of attending the International Bar Association (IBA) Annual Conference in Mexico, where I attended multiple sessions related to diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I), LGBTQI+ rights and immigration (the area in which I work). This report outlines some of the key sessions attended, critical takeaways and proposed next steps for ongoing collaboration and advocacy in these areas.
Released on Nov 07, 2024
New criminal laws legalise male rape in India
The article discusses the most recent debate relating to the new criminal laws enacted by the Indian government which legalise the offence of male rape.
Released on Sep 24, 2024
Thailand’s landmark move toward marriage equality: a beacon of hope in Southeast Asia
Thailand has made an historic advancement in LGBTQI+ rights by legalising same-sex marriage, becoming the first Southeast Asian nation to do so. This significant milestone ensures equal marital rights for LGBTQI+ couples and sets a progressive precedent for the region, reinforcing Thailand’s commitment to social justice and human rights.
Released on Sep 24, 2024
Key Panamanian corporate vehicles for asset protection of modern families
The article discusses the various corporate vehicles available in Panama, such as corporations, private interest foundations and trusts, which offer robust asset protection solutions for modern families, including same-sex couples. It highlights the legal benefits and flexibility these structures provide, enabling secure estate planning and financial management despite the lack of recognition for same-sex marriages in many jurisdictions.
Released on Sep 24, 2024
Past conferences - summaries
Annual Conference 2019 - Seoul
Our sessions at the IBA Annual Conference in Seoul in September 2019 were part of the wider Diversity and Inclusivity themed day of the IBA. The morning session, 'Asian values and legal systems', dealt with the opportunities and setbacks for advancement of LGBTQI+ rights and interests in enterprises, employment, immigration, property relations, and related matters as a joint session with Diversity and Equality Law Committee.
The afternoon panel for the session 'From East to West', co-sponsored by the Family Law Committee, discussed the recent advancements and issues pertaining to transgender and binary people’s rights in different parts of the world, in particular the right to identity, the right to change name, the right to marry or enter into marriage or civil unions, and non-discrimination.
Annual Conference 2018 - Rome
In Rome, our committee focused on the matter of strategic litigation on Tuesday 8 October 2018 and discussed the widely known landmark cases such as Windsor and Obergefell. Speaker Shannon Minter, NCLR, San Francisco, CA, gave insights as to the pre-planning of the long-term goal to improve legal rights of LGBTQI+ persons and picking up cases and strategy to bring cases to court to achieve full equality and marriage rights.
Our session in Rome on state-sponsored or state-condoned violence against women, LGBTQI+ and other minorities on Wednesday 9 October 2018 raised the very fundamental question whether there need to be changes to the patriarchal base of human societies. The session was co-sponsored by the Human Rights Law Committee, Family Law Committee and Crimes Against Women Subcommittee and received by a broad audience.
Subcommittees and other groups
The LGBTQI+ Law Committee also coordinates the activities of the following subcommittees/working groups.
- LGBTQI+ Law Committee Advisory Board
Join us on LinkedIn
If you are a member of the LGBTQI+ Law Committee, for additional networking opportunities, programs, interviews with fellow members and tips all exclusive to members, join our LinkedIn page at: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/9388311/.