Shigenobu Itoh

Professional Ethics Committee

The Committee provides a forum for all international lawyers who are interested in discussing and debating issues affecting the practice of law. In today's world a lawyer may face conflicting duties and the application of professional standards may be far from apparent. The Committee focuses on developments of international significance and seeks active collaboration with other committees and constituents in providing programmes at the IBA conferences.

The Committee works closely with the IBA Standing Committee on Professional Ethics which is concerned with the maintenance and periodical reform of the International Code of Ethics.

The Committee seeks to facilitate relevant networking and information/experience sharing opportunities and encompasses the social and collegial interests of both members and potential members with other regional fora, the Corporate Counsel Forum and the Young Lawyers Committee and all LPD committees in general.

Forthcoming conferences and webinars View All Conferences


A right to call my lawyer’s chatbot

A right to call my lawyer’s chatbot- July 2020

Released on Aug 10, 2020

The ethics of new technologies in the legal profession

The ethics of new technologies in the legal profession- July 2020

Networks’ competitive advantages in the time of Covid-19

Networks’ competitive advantages in the time of Covid-19-July 2020

Cloud computing and the challenges facing professional secrecy

With the current trend of digitalisation of the legal profession, where the use of cloud computing prevails, lawyers must navigate and uphold their duty of professional secrecy based on soft law recommendations.

Subcommittees and other groups

The Professional Ethics Committee also coordinates the activities of the following subcommittees/working groups.

  • Professional Ethics Committee Advisory Board

Join us on LinkedIn

If you are a member of the Professional Ethics Committee, for additional networking opportunities, programs, interviews with fellow members and tips all exclusive to members, join our LinkedIn page at: