Speaker details
IBA Annual Conference Miami 2022
30 Oct - 4 Nov 2022
Miami Beach Convention Center, Miami Beach, USASpeaker information

Bruce Macallum
Doctor Juris, University of Victoria, British Columbia, 1981 LL.M. London School of Economics (merit in Environmental Law), 1995 B.A. University of Victoria, British Columbia (History) I have substantial experience in practicing in International Public Law including International Economic Law. This experience includes providing advice as legal advisor to the Province of British Columbia relating to developing trade related environmental standards including climate change measures. As well I have substantial practice experience in public law and law reform dealing regulatory law as well as the reform of private law including Franchise and the public law of Consumer Law. I have a deep scholastic interest in jurisprudence and the sociology of law.
Champion poverty alleviation through taking the highroad; a lawyer's path to alleviating poverty while practicing law with a high moral conscience
Monday 31 October (0930 - 1045)
Room 235, Level 2