Speaker details
IBA Annual Conference Paris 2023
29 Oct - 3 Nov 2023
Palais de Congres de Paris, Paris, FranceSpeaker information
Patrick Hubert
Patrick Hubert is a partner with the law firm Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe, where he leads the antitrust practice group at the Paris office, after having held the same position with Clifford Chance. During his career, Patrick also held positions with the French public administration, in particular as head of investigation of the French competition authority. Currently, Patrick is also one of the vice-chairs of ICC competition commission and part of leadership of several ICC task forces (on merger control, on state subsidies); he also chairs the competition commission of ICC France.
Civil and criminal antitrust enforcement trends
Thursday 2 November (1615 - 1730)
Room 352 A&B, Level 3