Speaker details
IBA Annual Conference Paris 2023
29 Oct - 3 Nov 2023
Palais de Congres de Paris, Paris, FranceSpeaker information
Lucinda Soon
Lucinda Soon is a legal ethics lawyer, organisational psychologist, academic and independent consultant to the legal sector. Lucinda has practised as a solicitor of England and Wales for more than a decade specialising in lawyers’ ethics and regulation, and is also an accredited member of the British Psychological Society. Her work focuses on applying psychology to legal practice, working internationally with law firms, in-house legal departments, professional bodies and stakeholder organisations to improve ethical and healthy working practices in law. As an academic, Lucinda conducts empirical research on lawyers' ethics and wellbeing. Her doctoral research explores the latter. Her publications include a systematic review of lawyers' wellbeing, the first review of its kind to map and synthesise the global literature on this topic over the past 50 years. Lucinda also teaches at The Dickson Poon School of Law, King’s College London. Within the Professional Law Institute, she leads the Psychology for Legal Practitioners module on the MSc Law & Professional Practice programme. The module offers students valuable insights and practical skills in preparation for a career in legal practice, drawing on the interplay between psychology and ethics to negotiate a range of real-world practice situations.
Wellbeing, ethics and privacy conversations in the modern law firm
Monday 30 October (1615 - 1730)
Room 341, Level 3
Wellness in the profession: partying like it’s 1999
Tuesday 31 October (1615 - 1730)
Room 243, Level 2