Doctor in Medicine and Veterinary Technology, University of the Republic, Uruguay. International Master in Food Technology, Faculty of Agronomy, University of Buenos Aires – FAUBA and Parma University, Italy. Food Specialization Carrier at Obihiro University, Hokkaido, Japan. Consultant and Advisor to companies belonging to the Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic, Food & Beverage, Animal Production and Welfare and Agricultural products for agricultural or animal use, in all regulatory aspects. Member of the LSPN Connect: The Membership Programme for the Life Sciences. In the Cannabis Industry carries out consultancies for correct regulatory compliance, assembly and presentation of projects obtain licenses. Publications: “Animal welfare. Its role in the production of quality meat”. Cervieri, Rovira and Castro, 2010. Technical Series. Nº47. INAC. Courses and Seminars: “Quality Management in Food Companies”; “HACCP requirements - Hazard analysis and critical control points”; “BRC Global Standards version 7”; “Diploma in Technology of Meat and Meat Products”; “Food Safety Management Systems”; “Good Animal welfare practices”; “Accreditation of Veterinarians Responsible for Animal Welfare in Export Slaughter Plants”; “Regulation and Processes of Cannabis” and “Integral Course of Medicinal Cannabis”. Languages: Spanish and English.