Speaker details

The New Era of Taxation

6 Nov - 8 Nov 2024

Tivoli Avenida Liberdade, Lisbon, Portugal

Speaker information

Aiste Medeliene


Aiste has over 20 years of experience in tax advising, compliance, litigation, customs law and private wealth. Her vast experience as both an arbiter and litigator, combined with a deep understanding of tax legislation and administration processes adds unique value for clients. Aiste’s attention to detail and open-minded approach enables her to deal with complex situations and find solutions even in the most sophisticated tax cases. Aiste in 2022 was re-appointed as the chair of Committee on Advocates’ Activities Tax Environment at Lithuanian Bar Association. She is also a member of Tax Committee in the Lithuanian Business Confederation and a member of the Lithuanian Customs Practitioners Association. She was elected by the Government of Lithuania as one of the independent persons form Lithuania for the resolution of pan-EU disputes on double taxation.
