Speaker details

The New Era of Taxation

6 Nov - 8 Nov 2024

Tivoli Avenida Liberdade, Lisbon, Portugal

Speaker information

Catarina Belim


Catarina, 42 years old, is based in Lisbon, Portugal. Previously in Deloitte’s and Portuguese leading law firm VdA - Vieira de Almeida & Associados, Catarina founded Belim Castilho law firm with partner Luís Castilho. Belim Castilho is fully dedicated to Tax, Customs and International Trade, focusing on Portuguese law and advising both companies and private clients. Catarina is also appointed as an arbitrator for tax next to the Portuguese tax arbitration center.


VAT aspects of M&A real estate transaction

Friday 8 November (1115 - 1215)
