Carolyn Knox is a shareholder in the Cross-Border Practice Group at Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C., a labor and efirm with offices throughout the US, as well as in Canada, Mexico and Europe. Carolyn has broad experience in both US and cross-border employment issues. Over the course of her career, she has practiced in the US, Europe, and Brazil. She regularly provides advice and counsel on cross-border human resources law issues to HR professionals and in-house employment counsel managing workforces outside of their home countries. Her focus has always been on helping international companies find strategic and business-oriented solutions to their cross-border employment challenges.
Carolyn’s expertise includes development and roll-out of global and regional handbooks and employment policies and procedures, codes of conduct, workplace audits, employment agreements, commercial representative agreements, workplace investigations, employee benefit plans, hiring and termination issues, and M&A due diligence. In addition, her strong litigation background enables Carolyn to identify issues and manage litigation outside the US.
Carolyn has been a frequent speaker to human resources associations, in-house counsel associations, bar associations and media companies on local and cross-border employment and benefits issues. She is active in and holds leadership positions in key international legal organizations including the International Bar Association, Inter-Pacific Bar Association, American Bar Association Section of International Law and the Bar Association of San Francisco section of international law and practice.
Carolyn is admitted to practice in all federal and state courts in California, the U.S. Supreme Court, and was a Registered Foreign Legal Consultant, Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil (OAB) in Rio de Janeiro.