Speaker details

IBA Annual Conference Sydney 2017

8 Oct - 13 Oct 2017

Sydney, Sydney, Australia

Speaker information

Ronda Muir


Ronda Muir, Esq., Founder of Law People Management, LLC, is one of the country’s leading authorities on lawyer personalities and solutions to both traditional and emerging people management challenges that are unique to the legal industry. Muir draws from years of practicing law in New York and Europe, both as outside counsel and in-house counsel, coupled with advanced study in behavioral science. Nationally recognized for her identification of emerging industry trends, she is a frequent speaker, an award-winning author and publishes www.LawPeopleBlog.com, and is the author of the recently-released Beyond Smart: Lawyering with Emotional Intelligence.


Reinventing yourself: recognising decision points in your career

Monday 9 October (1430 - 1730)

Room C2.5, Convention Centre, Level 2
