Speaker details
IBA Annual Conference Seoul 2019
22 Sep - 27 Sep 2019
COEX Convention & Exhibition Center, Seoul, South KoreaSpeaker information

Michael Lund
Owner, Mindstretch, International Business Consulting ∙Director, International Business Desk at COIMBRA & CHAVES ADVOGADOS, Belo Horizonte, Brazil ∙ Regional Counsel, South America at BUCYRUS INTERNATIONAL, INC. (n.k.a. CATERPILLAR GLOBAL MINING LLC) ∙ Special Counsel to the Chairman at ROBBINS RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL, INC. / ANTHONY ROBBINS GROUP OF COMPANIES, San Diego ∙Director, International Business Affairs at AMIL ASSISTÊNCIA MÉDICA INTERNACIONAL, LTDA., Rio de Janeiro ∙ Director, International Tax at ERNST & YOUNG, New York, São Paulo and Copenhagen.
Law firm management profitable legal tech café
Tuesday 24 September (0930 - 1210)
Room 402, Floor 4
Session Chair