Speaker details
IBA Annual Conference Seoul 2019
22 Sep - 27 Sep 2019
COEX Convention & Exhibition Center, Seoul, South KoreaSpeaker information

Martin Šolc
Advocate since 1982. Education: Law degree from Charles University, Prague (1976, JUDr. – 1982). Membership: Czech Bar Association (member of the Board of Directors 1990 - 2002, President 1994, Vice-President 1990 - 1993 and 1995 - 1998), International Bar Association (IBA President 2017-2018, IBA Vice-President 2015-2016, IBA Secretary General 2013-2014, Co-chair Human Rights Institute 2009 - 2010, Chair of Public & Professional Interest Division 2006 - 2008, Co-Chair of Eastern European Forum 1998 - 2000, member of Section on Business Law Council 2000 - 2004). Languages: English. Specialization: mergers and acquisitions, corporate restructuring, corporate law.
Rule of Law Symposium: best practices to address the persecution of lawyers and judges and threats to the independence of the legal profession - what we can do
Friday 27 September (1345 - 1530)
Room 301, Floor 3