IBA Annual Conference Seoul 2019

22 Sep - 27 Sep 2019

Room 318 B, Floor 3

Session information

Where do you draw the line? The evolving world of sanctions and export controls

Monday 23 September (1615 - 1730)

Room 318 B, Floor 3


Business Crime Committee (Lead)


In the business life of a multinational corporation, each activity can attract export controls and sanctions issues. International sanctions framework is complex and often respond to volatile political landscapes. The current reality of cooperation between international regulators in different jurisdictions requires a multidisciplinary and global approach. Failure to comply with sanctions regimes in one jurisdiction can result in the imposition of significant civil and criminal sanctions, including severe fines and even imprisonment for individuals. Hence, being compliant with export control and sanctions legislation is fundamental for companies engaged in international trade. How can companies be aware of the risks related to export control and sanctions and how can they take measures to mitigate these risks? Our panellists will look at the issue from different angles. They will provide concrete examples on how sanctions and export controls affect companies in their own jurisdiction and outline appropriate risk control measures.

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Filippo Ferri Cagnola & Associati Studio Legale, Milan, Italy; Secretary, Business Crime Committee
Simone Nadelhofer Schellenberg Wittmer, Zürich, Switzerland; Regional Representative Europe, Business Crime Committee


Kateryna Gupalo Arzinger, Kyiv, Ukraine; Conference Quality Officer, Business Crime Committee
Sahil Kanuga
Jason D Linder Mayer Brown, Los Angeles, California, USA
Chiara Todini Salvini e Soci, Rome, Italy