IBA Annual Conference Seoul 2019

22 Sep - 27 Sep 2019

Room 300, Floor 3

Session information

Asian investment in Africa: the new Silk Roads for the African legal profession

Wednesday 25 September (1430 - 1545)

Room 300, Floor 3


African Regional Forum (Lead)


Asia, and particularly China’s, foreign direct investment in Africa has been increasing over the past decade or more. In fact, Africa is the third-largest investment destination for Chinese investment, just behind Asia and Europe. The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) announced by the President of the People’s Republic of China in 2013 has come about to further enhance regional connectivity and embrace a brighter future. How is the African legal profession positioned to benefit from these inflows?

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Vulindlela Sibanda MawereSibanda Commercial Lawyers, Harare, Zimbabwe; Conference Quality Officer, African Regional Forum


Oluwabukola Iji S P A Ajibade & Co, Lagos, Nigeria
Sternford Moyo Scanlen & Holderness, Harare, Zimbabwe
Linda Nyakio Manga Mugwe Kaplan & Stratton, Nairobi, Kenya
Eun Young Park Park Arbitration Chambers, Seoul, South Korea
Nigel Shaw Kaplan & Stratton, Nairobi, Kenya
Li Wang DeHeng Law Offices, Chengdu, China