IBA Annual Conference Seoul 2019

22 Sep - 27 Sep 2019

Room 403, Floor 4

Session information

Ombudsman, ombudsman, wherefore art thou ombudsman?

Wednesday 25 September (1430 - 1545)

Room 403, Floor 4


Mediation Committee (Lead)


Unfamiliar, yet ubiquitous. Powerful, yet not always mandated. What is this creature, how does it function, and how are traditional ombudsman structures making a difference when applied to commercial settings? This panel discussion will survey commercial utilisation of the ombudsman structure in several jurisdictions, discuss the extent of its success to date in various settings, and consider ways to better utilise this methodology to offer access to justice and assure process efficiency.

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Gary Birnberg JAMS, Miami, Florida, USA; Co-Chair, Mediation Committee


GIiuseppe De Palo UNITED NATIONS, New York, New York, USA
Charmhee Kim McKinsey & Company, Seoul, South Korea
Sophia Qiao Pfizer Inc, Shanghai, China
Mary Walker Barrister, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia; Senior Vice Chair, Mediation Committee
David Wilburn Talbot The World Bank Group, Washington, District of Columbia, USA