IBA LFMC Leadership Training Programme
27 Apr - 21 May 2021
Session information
Understanding and managing your leadership challenges: using influence psychology
Thursday 6 May (1230 - 1530)
Law Firm Management Committee
Section on Public and Professional Interest
This will be a two-part session. In the first 90-minute segment, we will use a case study that participants must pre-read and prepare in order to have an interactive session that explores the leadership challenges that lawyers and their clients face as they become more senior and take on increasingly complex management and leadership roles. In the second session, we will explore the fundamentals of the psychology behind influence and persuasion and how they can be leveraged by law firm and in-house leaders.
Participants will gain insight into leadership in the professional context and how to manage across many, sometimes competing, responsibilities more effectively. They will also learn specific tactics for getting buy-in within relatively flat leadership structures such as law firms.
Session / Workshop Chair(s)
Tahera Mandviwala | The Bar Council of India, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India |
Scott A Westfahl | Havard law School, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA |