3rd European Automotive and Mobility Services Conference

14 Sep - 15 Sep 2022

Session information

Data and connectivity

Thursday 15 September (1200 - 1245)


This session will shed light on the digital features modern connected vehicles offer and the framework regarding data collection, access and use under data protection and privacy laws. We will be looking at the essential questions of the ownership and protection of relevant data (and type of data) from the perspective of the various stakeholders such a manufacturers, service providers and users. This includes identifying where, when and how data is collected and who can use and access, and for what commercial goals. The EU has provided a draft for a EU Data Act regarding the use of and access to data (e.g. telemetric data) and this session will also discuss how it is expected to affect the approach in the market. Furthermore, we will discuss the ways individuals consent to or reject the collection of data relating to the vehicle, the operator (and other passenger) and when data once collected is to be deleted (privacy by design/default).

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Christine Diener RSM Ebner Stolz Part mbB, Stuttgart, Germany
Ludger Schult LARK, Munich, Germany; Vice Chair, European Regional Forum


Philipp Bahnmueller Mercedes Benz, Sindelfingen, Germany
Samir Boufadiss Tesla, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Daniele Ciccolo Telepass, Rome, Italy
Nick Reed Reed Mobility, Wokingham, England