27th Annual Transnational Crime Conference

14 May - 16 May 2025

Session information

Supply chain and criminal offenses


Business Crime Committee (Lead)
Criminal Law Committee (Lead)


Widespread concern with environmental, social and governance (ESG) related issues, coupled with growing political pressure, has seen law makers and regulators increasingly turning to criminal law. For example, the legislation introduced to criminalise modern slavery or environmental damage in certain jurisdictions and the use of existing offences to prosecute corporate ‘greenwashing’ in others. Recent case law has highlighted how the long arm of money laundering legislation can potentially catch corporates for breaches of ESG offences many steps removed in the supply chain. 

The panel will consider how the trend for criminal law remedies to tackle ESG concerns is developing across and between various jurisdictions in this increasingly important area for practitioners.

Session / Workshop Chair(s)

Ross Dixon Hickman & Rose Solicitors, London, England; Senior Vice Chair, Criminal Law Committee
Margot Laporte Dorsey & Whitney LLP, Washington, District of Columbia, USA; Publication and Newsletter Editor, Criminal Law Committee


Yoab Bitran Albagli Zaliasnik, Santiago, Chile
Chirag Naik MZM Legal LLP, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Michael Polak Church Court Chambers, London, England; Secretary-Treasurer, Rule of Law Forum
Oliver Pragal Pragal & Prinzenberg, Hamburg, Germany