Speaker details

27th Annual Transnational Crime Conference

14 May - 16 May 2025

The Ritz-Carlton , Santiago, Chile

Speaker information

Oliver Pragal


Dr. Oliver Pragal, LL.M. (Cape Town) has been admitted to the Hamburg Bar since 2007 and specialises in criminal law. „JUVE-magazine laudes Dr. Pragal for many years as professionally excellent, competent, and judicious.“ He has been authorised to carry the title “Specialist Lawyer for Criminal Law” since 2012. Dr. Pragal has been a member of the technical committee on criminal law of the Hanseatic Bar Association in Hamburg since 2013. Dr. Pragal is particularly active in the field of commercial and tax criminal law, especially in complex and wide-ranging proceedings. Beginning with his dissertation on the offence of bribery and corruption in business transactions (§ 299 StGB) at the Bucerius Law School in Hamburg, Pragal boasts over 20 years of expertise in the field of criminal law relating to corruption. This specialisation covers the offences of bribery and corruption in the health sector (§ 299a/b StGB). Dr. Pragal has published numerous articles on the subject. In addition to defending individuals, Dr. Pragal is regularly hired as corporate defence counsel and as a criminal law advisor in compliance crises and internal investigations. He is co-author of the handbook “Richtiges Verhalten in der Compliance-Krise” [“Adequate management of the Compliance Crisis”] (1st edition 2023; ed.: Dr. Philipp Engelhoven). This also increasingly concerns cross-border investigations involving foreign investigative authorities or the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO). For the best possible handling of such proceedings, Dr. Pragal has a worldwide network of experienced and highly qualified colleagues in all important jurisdictions – the “Global Defence Alliance” of which he is a founding member – at his disposal.


Supply chain and criminal offenses

Thursday 15 May (1130 - 1300)
