Technology Resources for Arbitration Practitioners - Virtual reality and augmented reality
Virtual reality (VR) and/or augmented reality (AR) are relatively new to the market and are yet to make significant inroads into international arbitration. VR technology allows the creation of immersive virtual environments (IVE), which are artificial, interactive, computer-created scenes combining high-resolution projections and 3D computer graphics that give the user the experience of being present in a virtual environment.
AR technology, on the other hand, creates a composite view by superimposing a computer-generated graphic onto the user’s view of the real world. The potential applications to international arbitration are many, including, for example, the ability to bring the tribunal on a virtual ‘visit’ of a construction, industrial or mining site, or demonstrate through augmentation how a different approach might have altered the effects of environmental contamination. The following vendors and programs offer VR and AR technology:
Through the use of visual design and technology, A2L renders animation in both 2D and 3D. A2L also develops hearing presentation strategy and designs for litigation graphics and demonstrative evidence in the tribunal setting.
Cogent Legal offers laser scanning services, graphics, 3D design, animation, medical imaging, evidence presentation and demonstratives for use at trials or hearings. The use of laser scanning for the presentation of evidence allows near-perfect recreations.
Device used for inspecting components, assemblies and documenting large volume spaces (eg, accident scenes) in 3D, Courtroom Visuals 3D Scanning tool permits high-precision 3D measuring, imaging and comparison of parts and compound structures. Exhibit Manager stores links to PDF files in a database, where they can be analysed, categorised and/or annotated by team members. They can then be inserted into the legal submission where they are automatically numbered and formatted according to the user’s specifications. Once a submission is complete, Exhibit Manager will create the lists of exhibits, stamp and bundle the exhibits. It can also create a hyperlinked PDF version of the brief.
DAQRI offers video, voice and 3D annotation. The viewer can observe, guide or annotate a real-world view using digital tools and instructions; there is also an option for hands-free interaction by the host/presenter. DAQRI Worksense Model permits the conversion of high resolution 3D objects into immersive, full-scale walkthroughs.