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Projects, Reports and Resolutions
The impact of corruption on the legal profession: an updated global picture
The International Bar Association (IBA) Anti Corruption Committee and Legal Policy & Research Unit (LPRU) have released a new report on the effects of corruption on the legal profession, revealing that, despite a significant increase in lawyers’ understanding of international anti-corruption laws and instruments in recent years, challenges persist for the profession, and the need for global collaboration remains stronger than ever. The report is based on data collected via a global survey of lawyers, which aimed to explore what is working and what has changed in terms of global regulations and best practices for bars, law societies and law firms, as well as to illicit lawyers’ opinions on the evolution of laws and regulations designed to combat the transfer of ‘illegal assets’ within their jurisdictions.
Podcast: Compensation for overseas victims of corruption
In this podcast, Tim Harris, Podcast Officer on the IBA Anti-Corruption Committee and financial crime lawyer at Cohen & Gresser, speaks to Lord Edward Garnier KC, barrister and member of the House of Lords, and Nicola Bonucci, criminal lawyer and former Director of Legal Affairs at the OECD, on the subject of the current approach in the UK and Europe to compensation for overseas victims of economic crime.
Listen to podcast here
IBA Anti-Corruption Committee interview with Tina Søreide and Mark Pieth – January 2024
In this interview, Kara Brockmeyer, Co-Chair of the IBA Anti-Corruption Committee’s Non-trial Resolutions of Bribery Cases Subcommittee and partner at Debevoise & Plimpton, speaks with Tina Søreide, Professor of Law at Economics at the Norwegian School of Economics, and Mark Pieth, Professor of Criminal Law at the University of Basel, on the subject of best practices for effectively preventing corruption and the recent publication of the Elgar Concise Encyclopedia of Corruption Law, which Søreide and Pieth authored..
Listen to the interview here
IBA Anti-Corruption Committee interview with Dr Klaus Moosayer - Dec 2022
In the seventh interview in the IBA Anti-Corruption Committee’s series, Volker D Popp, Senior Vice President, AlixPartners; IBA Anti-Corruption Committee, interviews Dr Klaus Moosmayer, Member of the Executive Committee and Chief Ethics, Risk and Compliance officer of Novartis.
IBA Anti-Corruption Committee interview with Justice Richard Goldstone - April 2022
In the sixth interview in the IBA Anti-Corruption Committee’s series, Leopoldo Pagotto, Senior Chair of the Committee and a partner at FreitasLeite Advogados in São Paulo, interviews Justice Richard Goldstone, Honorary President of the IBA’s Human Rights Institute, a member of the IBA Council and a member of the Board of Directors of Integrity Initiative International.
IBA Anti-Corruption Committee interview with Nick Chan - February 2022
In the fifth interview in the IBA Anti-Corruption Committee’s series, Hin Han Shum, the Committee’s Young Lawyers’ Committee Liaison Officer and a senior associate at Squire Patton Boggs in Hong Kong, interviews Nick Chan, a partner at Squire Patton Boggs in Hong Kong, a HKSAR Medal of Honour recipient and a publicly elected member of the 13th National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China.
IBA Anti-Corruption Committee interview with Paul Massaro - January 2022
In the fourth episode of a series hosted by the IBA Anti-Corruption Committee, Pascale H Dubois, an Independent International Anti-Corruption Advisor, interviews Paul Massaro, Senior Policy Advisor at the US Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe. Pascale and Paul discuss the latest US initiatives in the field of anti-corruption.
IBA Anti-Corruption Committee interview with Daniëlle Goudriaan - October 2021
In this third episode, Nicole Bonucci, who is a partner of Paul Hastings LLP and is a member of the IBA Anti-Corruption Committee Advisory board interviews Danielle Goudriaan, European Prosecutor at the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO).
IBA Anti-Corruption Committee interview with Kate Cameron Atkinson - August 2021
The second in a series of interviews conducted by the IBA Anti-Corruption Committee with compliance practitioners across the globe. This time we speak to Kate Cameron Atkinson, Chair of Miller & Chevalier, Washington, DC.
IBA Anti-Corruption Committees interview with Homero Andretta Junior - July 2021
Episode 1 of the IBA Anti-Corruption Interview Series - a series of 15 minute interviews with a range of anti-corruption practitioners. Our guest this time is Attorney for Brazil and Director of International Affairs, Homero Andretta Junior.
Ukraine: IBA Anti-Corruption Committee creates taskforce to aid reconstruction efforts (published 2022
The International Bar Association (IBA) has created a special task force to help Ukraine address, and avoid, the common pitfalls countries make during the reconstruction process following war or natural disasters. The Task Force will focus on anti-corruption and compliance-related matters with the aim of helping to reduce the loss of valuable international community resources to corrupt practices. It is often reported that jurisdictions trying to rebuild after devastation do not receive resources intended for them due to corruption and/or poor compliance controls.
Click here to view.The Anti-Corruption Committee’s Submission to OECD Draft Risk Assessment Toolkit for SMEs (published 2021)
Having an appropriate risk assessment is a key step to help mitigate bribery and corruption risks before they materialise, and this risk assessment toolkit will assist SMEs, especially those that are new entrants to global supply chains, in formulating their anti-bribery and anti-corruption compliance policies appropriate for their industry sector, size and available resources. This submission focuses on the regulatory requirements and best practices adapted in key jurisdictions, namely the United Kingdom, United States, Australia, Brazil, Mexico, Panama, Colombia and Italy, which will enable SMEs to detect, monitor, counter and manage the challenges of bribery and corruption.
Download the submission- Second Submission to United Nations Special Session of the General Assembly against Corruption 2021
- Submission to United Nations Special Session of the General Assembly against Corruption 2021
New decisions in the Italian legal system regarding corruption in the healthcare sector
The fight against corruption in the healthcare sector in Italy is exploring new and interesting paths. Many pharmaceutical and medical device companies have been indicted in the last years for corruptive practices to ensure the utilisation of their pharmaceutical or medical products in hospitals.
Released on Jun 11, 2024
Top five takeaways on corruption perception in Latin America: insights from professionals across the region
Nearly ten years after it started, one of the biggest corruption scandals in recent history, ‘Lava Jato’, or Operation Car Wash, continues to wind its way through the Brazilian courts. In January 2024, a Brazilian Supreme Court judge suspended the payment of more than US$2bn by Novonor (formerly Odebrecht) as part of a leniency agreement where executives admitted to bribing Brazilian officials.
Released on Jun 09, 2024
Anti-bribery and corruption developments in South Africa
South Africa has, for decades, been grappling with the malaise of corruption. This has had a concomitant negative impact on public confidence, hindered economic growth through irregular expenditure and eroded the effectiveness of government institutions. There have, however, been notable developments in the country's efforts to update and enforce measures to fight corruption, which are traversed in this article.
Released on Jun 09, 2024
Focus on the CJIPs concluded at the end 2023 by ADP Ingénierie and SEVES Group/SEDIVER for the corruption of foreign public officials
On 4 December 2023, the Paris judicial court (tribunal judiciaire de Paris) approved the last two conventions judiciaire d’intérêt public (CJIP) (deferred prosecution agreements) for the corruption of foreign public officials, signed between the National Financial Prosecutor’s Office (Le procureur national financier or PNF) and ADP Ingénierie (ADPI) on the one hand and SEVES Group/SEDIVER on the other hand.
Released on Jun 09, 2024
Subcommittees and other groups
The Anti-Corruption Committee also coordinates the activities of the following subcommittees/working groups.
- Anti-Corruption Committee Advisory Board
- Compliance Subcommittee
- Debarment & Exclusions Subcommittee
- Drivers of Corruption Subcommittee
- Non-trial Resolutions of Bribery Cases Subcommittee