Speaker details

IBA Annual Conference Paris 2023

29 Oct - 3 Nov 2023

Palais de Congres de Paris, Paris, France

Speaker information

A H M Belal Chowdhury


A H M Belal Chowdhury is a Director in FM Associates. Mr. Chowdhury primarily practices in the field of taxation, mergers and acquisitions, actuarial valuation, financial and legal due diligence, entity set up, accounting, auditing, payroll services of Bangladesh. Mr. Chowdhury advises several foreign and domestic companies including several Fortune 500 companies in the matters of taxation laws in Bangladesh as well as from global tax perspectives and tax restructuring. In terms of regular taxation and accounting standards compliance Mr. Chowdhury regularly advises Fortune 500 companies as well as several Navratna Companies. He has represented several MNCs l in Bangladesh in the High Court Division for their appeal on corporate tax issues against the National Board of Revenue. He was also involved in the largest foreign share transfer in Dhaka Stock Exchange. Mr. Chowdhury has co-authored the Tax and VAT navigator of Bloomberg BNA and is also a regular contributor of international publications like Doing Business in Bangladesh by the World Bank, International Energy Charter. Mr. Chowdhury is the member of the Honourable Society of Lincoln’s Inn and an Alumni of University of London, University of Northumbria and Faujdarhat Cadet College. He is a member of Association of International Tax Consultants. He also worked as adjunct Faculty for University of London International Programmes teaching European Union Law. He can be reached at b.chowdhury@fma.com.bd or directly at +8801-999-456-456


Roundtable session on current developments

Thursday 2 November (1430 - 1730)

Room 252 A&B, Level 2
