IBA Annual Conference Paris 2023
29 Oct - 3 Nov 2023
Room 252 A&B, Level 2
Session information
Roundtable session on current developments
Thursday 2 November (1430 - 1730)
Taxes Committee
The roundtables discussions cover topics of imminent importance often influenced by the submitted National Reports, by measures of legislation, the OECD or other international bodies, and aim at involving the audience in a particularly personal manner
Session / Workshop Chair(s)
Sven-Eric Baersch | Flick Gocke Schaumburg , Frankfurt, Germany |
Matthias Bizzarro | Baer & Karrer, Lugano, Switzerland |
Andrew Loan | Boodle Hatfield LLP, London, England |
Wendy Moes | Hamelink & Van den Tooren, Amsterdam, Netherlands |
Gregory Price | Macfarlanes LLP, London, England |
Philip Tully | Matheson, Dublin, Ireland |
Henrique Calvão Martins | MDR Advogados, Maputo, Mozambique |
Juan Carrasco Velasco | Perez Bustamante & Ponce, Quito, Ecuador |
A H M Belal Chowdhury | FM ASSOCIATES, Dhaka, Bangladesh |
Robin De Meester | Van Campen Liem, Amsterdam, Netherlands |
Vittoria Di Gioacchino | BLP, San Jose, Costa Rica |
Rahayu Ningsih Hoed | Makarim & Taira S, Jakarta, Indonesia |
Pall Johannesson | BBA//Fjeldco, Reykjavik, Iceland |
Stefanie Kavanagh | Alston & Bird, Washington, District of Columbia, USA |
Enric Moret | RocaJunyent, Barcelona, Spain |
Teresa Novais Correa Meyer | BMA Advogados, São Paulo, Brazil |
Dearbhla O'Gorman | A&L Goodbody LLP, Dublin, Ireland |
Dr Marco Ottenwälder | Andersen Germany, Frankfurt, Germany |
Adediwura Owoh | Standard Chartered Bank, Lagos, Nigeria |
Roberto Padilla Ordaz | Chevez Ruiz Zamarripa, Mexico City, Mexico |
Gouri Puri | Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas, New Delhi, Delhi, India |
Deeksha Rathi | Slaughter and May, London, England |
Bruno Ruscio | CBA Studio Legale e Tributario, Milan, Italy |
Dvir Saadia | YETAX - Yaron Eldar Paller Schwartz & Co, Givatayim, Israel |
Picharn Sukparangsee | Bangkok Global Law Offices Limited, Bangkok, Thailand |